title count CodeLab count 19s subTot 19s CodeLab
Introducing Python book
Table of Contents

Page numbers might be a little off

Begin Unit A CodeLab

Preface xv

1. A Taste of Py 1

Python in the Real World 5

Python versus Language X 6

So, Why Python? 9

When Not to Use Python 9

Python 2 versus Python 3 10

Installing Python 10

Running Python 11

Using the Interactive Interpreter 11

Use Python Files 12

What’s Next? 13

Your Moment of Zen 13

Things to Do 14

2. Py Ingredients: Numbers, Strings,
and Variables 152. Py Ingredients: Numbers, Strings,
and Variables 15
Variables, Names, and Objects 15 5 5 5 51001 51014 51019 51013 51043 Assignment of variables
Numbers 19 14 3 8 51872 51029 51030 51031 51085 51032 51033 51034 51044 51045 51046 51048 51047 59249 Arithmetic expressions
Integers 19

Precedence 23

Bases 24

Type Conversions 25 8 8 16 51750 51751 51752 51753 51026 51024 51843 51842 Conversions (some of these are near this section in the book)
How Big Is an int? 26

Floats 27

Math Functions 27

Strings 27

Create with Quotes 28

Convert Data Types by Using str() 30

Escape with \ 30

Combine with + 31 2 2 18 51611 51612 list slicing/splicing/concatenation (first two)
Duplicate with * 32

Extract a Character with [] 32 11 3 21 51840 51841 51836 51847 51846 51763 51760 51761 51762 51855 51868 Strings
Begin Unit B CodeLab

Slice with [start: end: step] 33 11 7 28 51764 51765 51771 51772 51850 51851 51852 81853 51844 51848 51854 Slicing
Slice with [start: end: step] 33 7 4 32 51613 51614 51615 51616 51617 51618 51619 list slicing/splicing/concatenation (second group)
Get Length with len() 35 2 2 34 51211 51602 list-methods (part here)
Split with split() 35 5 3 37 51078 51079 51080 51081 51082
Combine with join() 36

Playing with Strings 36 3 3 40 51849 51889 51890 finding
Begin Unit C CodeLab

Case and Alignment 37

Substitute with replace() 38

More String Things 39

Things to Do 39

3. Py Filling: Lists, Tuples,
Dictionaries, and Sets 41
Lists and Tuples 41

Lists 42

Create with [] or list() 42 5 4 44 51600 51601 51192 51193 51194 List initialization
Convert Other Data Types to Lists with list() 43

Get an Item by Using [offset] 43 14 2 46 51203 51201 51195 51196 51197 51199 51200 51202 51204 51205 51206 51207 51208 51209 list indexing (move 51280 later with loops)
Lists of Lists 44

Change an Item by [offset] 45

Get a Slice to Extract Items by Offset Range 45

Add an Item to the End with append() 46 10 2 48 51603 51275 51276 51277 51278 51284 51285 51287 51288 51289 list-addition/retrieval/deletion
Combine Lists by Using extend() or += 46

Add an Item by Offset with insert() 46

Delete an Item by Offset with del 47 3 2 50 51609 51607 51608 list-addition/retrieval/deletion
Delete an Item by Value with remove() 47

Get an Item by Offset and Delete It by Using pop() 47 2 2 52 51605 51606 list-methods(part here)
Find an Item’s Offset by Value with index() 48

Test for a Value with in 48 3 3 55 51620 51621 51213 list membership
Count Occurrences of a Value by Using count() 49

Convert to a String with join() 49

Reorder Items with sort() 49 6 4 59 51212 51610 51256 51294 51295 51296 list-methods(part here)
Reorder Items with sort() 49 1 1 60 51283 functions and lists
Begin Unit D CodeLab

Get Length by Using len() 50

Assign with =, Copy with copy() 50

Tuples 52

Create a Tuple by Using () 52 5 3 63 31700 51701 51706 51707 51708
Tuples versus Lists 53

Dictionaries 53

Create with {} 54 2 2 65 51815 51816
Convert by Using dict() 54

Add or Change an Item by [ key] 55Add or Change an Item by [ key] 55 5 3 68 51818 51820 51821 51822 51823
Combine Dictionaries with update() 56

Delete an Item by Key with del 57 3 3 71 51819 51824 51825
Delete All Items by Using clear() 57

Test for a Key by Using in 58

Get an Item by [key] 58 1 1 72 51817
Get All Keys by Using keys() 59

Get All Values by Using values() 59

Get All Key-Value Pairs by Using items() 59

Assign with =, Copy with copy() 59

Sets 60

Create with set() 61 4 2 74 51800 51802 51803 51804
Create with set() 61 6 3 77 51805 51806 51807 51809 51810 51811
Convert from Other Data Types with set() 61 1 1 78 51248
Test for Value by Using in 62 1 1 79 51808
Begin Unit E CodeLab

Combinations and Operators 63

Compare Data Structures 66

Make Bigger Data Structures 66

Things to Do 67

4. Py Crust: Code Structures 69

Comment with # 69

Continue Lines with \ 70

Compare with if, elif, and else 71 14 2 81 51109 51112 51113 51173 51061 51062 51063 51165 51166 51167 51110 51111 51065 51064 Logical Operators
Compare with if, elif, and else 71 8 2 83 51114 51115 51116 51117 51102 51217 51160 51896 if
Compare with if, elif, and else 71 4 2 85 51891 51892 51893 51897 boolean values and variables
Compare with if, elif, and else 71 5 2 87 51118 51119 51120 51121 51122 if-else
Compare with if, elif, and else 71 3 3 90 51900 51898 51899 cascaded and nested if
Compare with if, elif, and else 71 10 2 92 51915 51912 51913 51914 51910 51911 51901 51902 51903 51905 range-testing
What Is True? 74

Repeat with while 75 6 2 94 51180 51181 51187 51251 51252 51253 while loops
Repeat with while 75 9 3 97 51935 51936 51937 51938 51939 51940 51941 51942 51943 input testing loops
Repeat with while 75 1 1 98 51007 loops and tuples
Begin Unit F CodeLab

Repeat with while 75 2 2 100 51214 51215 list-traversal (part)
Repeat with while 75 2 2 102 51291 51292 loops and lists (part)
Repeat with while 75 1 1 103 51012 loops and lists (combos)
Cancel with break 75

Skip Ahead with continue 76

Check break Use with else 76

Iterate with for 77 13 13 116 51176 51177 51259 51250 51286 51268 51269 51929 51930 51931 51932 51933 51934 for and range
Iterate with for 77 2 2 118 51946 51945 nested loops
Begin Unit G CodeLab

Iterate with for 77 11 11 129 51270 51271 51272 51273 51274 51279 51006 51002 51003 51004 51005 loops and strings
Iterate with for 77 4 4 133 51210 51216 51219 51263 list-traversal (part)
Iterate with for 77 1 1 134 51280 list indexing (move 51280 later with loops)
Iterate with for 77 4 4 138 51262 51264 51266 51267
Iterate with for 77 3 3 141 51290 51293 51297 loops and lists
Begin Unit H CodeLab

Iterate with for 77 3 3 144 51298 51301 51305 set iteration
Iterate with for 77 1 1 145 51302 dictionary adding/removal
Iterate with for 77 12 12 157 51828 51829 51830 51831 51826 51300 51265 51281 51299 51827 51282 51832 dictionary traversal
Iterate with for 77 2 2 159 51303 51304
Begin Unit I CodeLab

Cancel with break 78

input function small mention 79

Skip with continue 78

Check break Use with else 78

Iterate Multiple Sequences with zip() 79

Generate Number Sequences with range() 80 2 2 161 51257 51258 list-creation from range
Other Iterators 81

Comprehensions 81

List Comprehensions 81

Dictionary Comprehensions 83 2 2 163 51260 51261
Set Comprehensions 84

Generator Comprehensions 84

Functions 85 11 9 172 51074 51156 51073 51075 51076 51077 51143 51144 51146 51145 51147 Invoking functions
Functions 85 2 2 174 51148 51149 composition
Functions 85 2 2 176 51155 51016 function definition
Functions 85 3 3 179 51105 51158 51218 functions and if statements
Begin Unit J CodeLab

Functions 85 4 4 183 51162 51008 51009 51011 function and loops
Positional Arguments 89

Keyword Arguments 89

Specify Default Parameter Values 90

Gather Positional Arguments with * 91

Gather Keyword Arguments with ** 92

Docstrings 92

Functions Are First-Class Citizens 93

Inner Functions 95

Closures 95

Anonymous Functions: the lambda() Function 96

Generators 98

Decorators 99

Namespaces and Scope 101

Uses of _ and __ in Names 103

Handle Errors with try and except 103

Make Your Own Exceptions 105

Things to Do 106

5. Py Boxes: Modules, Packages,
and Programs 109
Standalone Programs 109

Command-Line Arguments 110

Modules and the import Statement 110

Import a Module 110

Import a Module with Another Name 112

Import Only What You Want from a Module 112

Module Search Path 113

Packages 113

The Python Standard Library 114

Handle Missing Keys with setdefault() and defaultdict() 114

Count Items with Counter() 116

Order by Key with OrderedDict() 118

Stack + Queue == deque 118

Iterate over Code Structures with itertools 119

Print Nicely with pprint() 120

More Batteries: Get Other Python Code 121

Things to Do 121

6. Oh Oh: Objects and Classes 123

What Are Objects? 123

Define a Class with class 124 6 5 188 51225 51226 51227 51244 51245 51227
Inheritance 126

Override a Method 127

Add a Method 128

Get Help from Your Parent with super 129

In self Defense 130

Get and Set Attribute Values with Properties 131

Name Mangling for Privacy 133

Method Types 134

Duck Typing 135

Special Methods 137

Composition 140

When to Use Classes and Objects versus Modules 141

Named Tuples 141

Things to Do 143

7. Mangle Data Like a Pro 145

Text Strings 145

Unicode 145

Format 152

Match with Regular Expressions 156

Binary Data 163

bytes and bytearray 164

Convert Binary Data with struct 165

Other Binary Data Tools 168

Convert Bytes/Strings with binascii() 169

Bit Operators 169

Things to Do 170

8. Data Has to Go Somewhere 173

File Input/Output 173

Write a Text File with write() 174

Read a Text File with read(), readline(), or readlines() 176

Write a Binary File with write() 177

Read a Binary File with read() 178

Close Files Automatically by Using with 178

Change Position with seek() 179

Structured Text Files 181

CSV 181

XML 183

HTML 185

JSON 185

YAML 188

A Security Note 189

Configuration Files 190

Other Interchange Formats 191

Serialize by Using pickle 191

Structured Binary Files 192

Spreadsheets 192

HDF5 192

Relational Databases 193

SQL 194

DB-API 195

SQLite 196

MySQL 198

PostgreSQL 198

SQLAlchemy 198

NoSQL Data Stores 204

The dbm Family 204

Memcached 205

Redis 206

Other NoSQL 214

Full-Text Databases 214

Things to Do 215

9. The Web, Untangled 217

Web Clients 218

Test with telnet 219

Python’s Standard Web Libraries 220

Beyond the Standard Library: Requests 222

Web Servers 223

The Simplest Python Web Server 223

Web Server Gateway Interface 224

Frameworks 225

Bottle 226

Flask 228

Non-Python Web Servers 232

Other Frameworks 234

Web Services and Automation 236

The webbrowser Module 236

Web APIs and Representational State Transfer 236

JSON 237

Crawl and Scrape 237

Scrape HTML with BeautifulSoup 238

Things to Do 239

10. Systems 241

Files 24

Create with open() 241

Check Existence with exists() 242

Check Type with isfile() 242

Copy with copy() 243

Change Name with rename() 243

Link with link() or symlink() 243

Change Permissions with chmod() 243

Change Ownership with chown() 244

Get a Pathname with abspath() 244

Get a symlink Pathname with realpath() 244

Delete a File with remove() 244

Directories 244

Create with mkdir() 245

Delete with rmdir() 245

List Contents with listdir() 245

Change Current Directory with chdir() 246

List Matching Files with glob() 246

Programs and Processes 247

Create a Process with subprocess 247

Create a Process with multiprocessing 249

Kill a Process with terminate() 249

Calendars and Clocks 250

The datetime Module 251

Using the time Module 254

Read and Write Dates and Times 255

Alternative Modules 258

Things to Do 259

11. Concurrency and Networks 261

Concurrency 262

Queues 263

Processes 264

Threads 265

Green Threads and gevent 267

twisted 270

asyncio 271

Redis 271

Beyond Queues 275

Networks 276

Patterns 276

The Publish-Subscribe Model 276


Sockets 281

ZeroMQ 285

Scapy 289

Internet Services 290

Web Services and APIs 291

Remote Processing 292

Big Fat Data and MapReduce 297

Working in the Clouds 298

Things to Do 302

12. Be a Pythonista 303

About Programming 303

Find Python Code 304

Install Packages 304

Use pip 305

Use a Package Manager 305

Install from Source 306

Integrated Development Environments 306

IDLE 306

PyCharm 306

IPython 307

Name and Document 307

Testing Your Code 309

Check with pylint, pyflakes, and pep8 309

Test with unittest 311

Test with doctest 315

Test with nose 316

Other Test Frameworks 317

Continuous Integration 317

Debugging Python Code 317

Debug with pdb 318

Logging Error Messages 324

Optimize Your Code 326

Measure Timing 327

Algorithms and Data Structures 328

Cython, NumPy, and C Extensions 329

PyPy 330

Source Control 330

Mercurial 330

Git 330

Clone This Book 333

How You Can Learn More 333

Books 334

Websites 334

Groups 335

Conferences 335

Coming Attractions 335

A. Py Art 337

B. Py at Work 351

C. Py Sci 365

Math and Stastics in the Standard Library

Math Functions

Working with Complex Numbers

Calculating Accurate Floating Point with decimal

Peform Rational Arithmetic with fractions

Use Packed Sequences with array

Handle Simple Stats bu Using statistics

Matrix Multiplication

Scientific Python


Make an Array with array()

Make an Array with arange()

Make an Array with zeros(), ones(), or random()

Change an Array’s Shape with reshape()

Get an Element with []

Array Math

Linear Algebra

The SiPy Library

The SiKit Library

The IPython Library

A Better Interpreter

IPython Notebook

Python and Scientific Areas

D. Install Python 3 385

Install Standard Python

Mac OS X


Linux or Unix

Install Anaconda

Install and Use ip and virtualenv

Install and use Conda

E. Answers to Exercises 395

F. Cheat Sheets 429

Operator Preedence

String Methods 12 12 200 51885 51865 51870 51856 51857 51858 51859 51860 51861 51862 51863 51864 String Coparisons and Logical Operations (mostly better solved with string methods)
Begin week 11 CodeLab

String Methods 5 5 205 51757 51758 51759 51766 51767 More Methods
String Methods 4 4 209 51768 51769 51770 51773 More Methods
String Module Attributes

Index 433

No Reading assignment

Not found in book

try finally block

No switch in Python 3 0 209 51909 51894 51895 switch
Conditional Expressions 2 2 211 51867 51866 Conditional Expressions

NOTE: omit Old Formatting

NOTE: omit Additional Exercises

Required total