Assignment J

Primary focus on chapter 7 Arrays

For each problem:

Additional requirement:
In these problems, when using functions:
Provide a function prototype for each function before the main function.
The function prototype should have descriptive names for the function and for each parameter.
Put very little code in the main function.
Each function should be preceded with a short comment giving:

Problem J1

You do not need to use any functions beyond the main function in this problem.
Initialize an array of int with the values: 4, 6, 9, and 12.
Write a for loop to add the values in the array and find their sum.
Use a loop to print the values in the array.
Print the values in the array and the sum in the following format:

4 + 6 + 9 + 12 = 31

Problem J2

In the main function, define an array that can contain four int values. Also define an int named sum.

Write a function named getData which asks the user for the data and puts it in the array.
Write a function named computeTotal which adds the data in the array and returns the sum.
Write a function named printAll which takes the array and the sum as arguments.

In the main function, call the getData function.
Then in the main function, call the computeTotal function.
Then in the main function, call the printAll function.

Print the results in the formats shown in the following format:

4 + 6 + 9 + 12 = 31

Test the program twice with the values:
4, 6, 9, and 12.
then with the values:
1, 7, 9, and 15.