Alternate assignment techniques

An alternate approach

There is an alternate approach, rather than using the script command in unix.
It uses two unix windows, and a specific form of copy and paste.

Two windows

Open two unix windows in the MS Windows environment.
Arrange them with one on the left and one on the right.

In the window on the left, you will use the unix commands for each item in the session you are doing.
In the window on the right, use vim with the file for your results.

Execute, copy and paste

Select the left window.
In the left window, issue the commands for a small number of the numbered items in the session.
Fix them if you have a problem, so you have the correct commands and execution results ready to copy.

In the left window, hold the left mouse button down and drag the cursor over the commands and execution results you wish to copy.

Select the right window.
In the right window, if you do not already have your results file open for vim editing, use the vim command with the name of your results file.
Use the arrow keys to position the cursor where you wish to paste the material you copied.
Use the vi command   i   so you are in the text insert mode.
Click the right mouse button to paste.
Then press the Esc key to exit from the text input mode.

Edit and backup

Edit your results file, so it has the heading at the top, each session is identified, and each item has its number, its command, and its execution results.

Save your file in vim after every few items are done.
Back up your file every 15 or 30 minutes by making a copy of it.

Print the results

Make sure you have finished all the work for the assignment, with the header at the top of the page, the beginning of each session identified with its number, and each item in the session having its command and execution result and its number.

Then print the results, using the lpr command; pick up your results in room ADM 119; and turn it in to the instructor.